Friday, April 13, 2012

Devil's Advocate - Kunal Verma

This is an email written by Kunal Verma to Karan Thapar regarding his 01 April 2012 interview with Brijesh Mishra. Don't miss the punch line!

Dear Mr Thapar,

Personally, I've always disliked your rather offensive way of interviewing people, but then that's been your manner and we do get all sorts. Your interview with Brajesh Mishra on the 1st of April, however, was perhaps the worst form of journalism that I've seen in recent times. Forget about what the Hon'ble Mr Mishra was saying, it was YOU who was leading him on. Apart from the fact that your entire stance is motivated (what's it like to bat for the Brit's Old boy and all that sort of thing!), YOU Mr Thapar, are guilty of one of the biggest crimes in my book - attempting to destroy the Institutional Integrity of the Indian Army by attacking its chief. You don't need me to tell you that your entire interview is based on concocted premises and lies that have been floated around ever since this entire 'Age Issue' was manufactured by the powers that be, simply because you know that as well as anybody else. You've been dishonest at every stage - the choice of the man you chose to interview, your misuse of the platform that you have, and perhaps even more importantly, you should have had the discerning ability to sieve through the campaign of vilification that has been unleashed over the last few months.

Like You, I was also born into the army. Like You, my father too was a General. Like You, I am a product of the same school that you went to.

I may be an insignificant fly compared to the likes of You, Brajesh Mishra and all the others who are today hurling accusations against the General. As an author and a film maker I've been associated with the Army, Navy and Air Force for the last two and a half decades. Even though you are a seasoned television journalist who is known to rip people apart, I'm willing to sit across the table and answer each and every accusation of yours. I have with me the original file on Exercise Lal Qila and have been on the ground where each and every bloody battle took place in 1962 when your father was the COAS. I'm willing to risk your sneering condescending manner and answer all your questions. My only condition being that the last question of our discussion will be who has been the worst Chief of the Indian Army ever.

Kunal Verma

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